Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

29 juli 2011

jag visste redan innan vi träffades..

Maybe it's intuition, but some things you just don't question. Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant, and there it goes. I think I've found my best friend.. I know that it might sound more than a little crazy, but I believe. I knew I loved you before I met you.
I think I dreamed you into life.. I knew I loved you before I met you. I have been waiting all my life. There's just no rhyme or reason
only this sense of completion and in your eyes. I see the missing pieces I'm searching for. I think I found my way home. I know that it might sound more than a little crazy, but I believe.. A thousand angels dance around you.

I am complete now that I found you, Johan <3
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